Image Treadmills Reviewed
As a brand Image treadmills (as well as Reebok, Welso, Proform and Nordic Track) belong to a company called Icon Fitness. Icon are about the largest and most well established manufacturer of exercise equipment in the world and it's fair to say that Image is less well recognized than the likes of Reebok and Nordic Track but that could have its advantages. According to treadmill experts Treadmill Doctor Image treadmills typically offer more bang for your buck compared with Icon's better established trademarks.

It's hard to find any reference to Image treadmills in many industry reviews but for obvious reasons not all treadmills are covered in these analyzes. Image treadmills do feature in some independent consumer reviews at places such as Epinions, and generally receive good feedback.
If you've read any of our other treadmill reviews you'll appreciate the significance we place on warranties. Typically the warranties on Image treadmills are poor. Most of their treadmills come with just 90 days cover on parts. Of course you should double check with the supplier because some Image treadmills have a 3 year warranty.
While even three years isn't bad, some treadmills in the same price band offer five and even ten years cover on the motor. Smooth treadmills are the most notable example with ten years warranty on most of their models.
Image Treadmills to Consider
iFIT Solutions ® Image ® 16.0 Q Treadmill
For the amount of features you get $600 is a great deal. It's iFit compatible and has a pulse grip. If plan on spend less than $600 on a treadmill this one also comes with free shipping so that will keep you in the price range.
Motor Size: 2.0 continuous duty
Running Surface: 54in x 19in
Maximum Speed: 10mph
Maximum Incline: 10%
Heart Rate: Yes
Folding: Yes
Image Advanced 3000 Treadmill
At this price you have broken into the Smooth treadmill price range. It seems like you should get more motor for your money but the motor does have a lifetime warranty.
Motor Size: 2.0 continuous duty
Running Surface: 52in x 20in
Maximum Speed: 10mph
Maximum Incline: 10%
Heart Rate: Yes
Folding: No
Image 10.6 QL Treadmill
Huge belt tread on a treadmill costing only $1400. Good selection of pre-programmed workout routines including 3 heart rate driven workouts. Comes with a chest strap and free shipping at the moment. Just a pity about the short warranty.
Motor Size: 2.0 continuous duty
Running Surface: 60in x 20in
Maximum Speed: 10mph
Maximum Incline: 10%
Heart Rate: Yes
Folding: Yes
If you consider a good warranty a necessity try brands such as Smooth and Keys. The Smooth 5.0P is a great treadmill for the price and comes with 10 years cover on the motor...
Compare Image treadmills to Smooth's range with our full review